Milestone – All lyrics and melodies written!

Huge step reached late last night. All the words and melody for the words are completely written! So the rest is just recording for the first act. It’s taken a while to get to this point, it feels good to reach it though.

Lyrics Sample

Lyrics Sample

Lyrics Sample

Lyrics Sample

Sequencing time and animation notes

Sequencing time and animation notes

Not long now.

Just in Time – Words over Words

Thought it would be good to show how much writing happens before a song is uploaded. A lot of crossing out and deletion on words and my handwriting is difficult to read but it’s there. It’s always interesting to see the hand written lyrics, to see how their mind operates around the idea of lyric writing. What they leave out, what they are unsure about, what they rate highly themselves.

In this case there are a lot of draft versions for songs. Ideas can seem good for a while but later feel a bit stale or a better one comes along that fits better. Change the changes of changes until it holds together as a single thought and idea.

JiT Lyrics

Rewrites on rewrites.

JiT Lyrics

Verse for Just in Time

Lyrics matter. They matter to me. Getting the right melody, short and sweet, matching it to the words which have to flow smoothly along. It’s the hardest part to get right in any song since they have the greatest impact on people. Most of what is written looks like this. Mass crossing out, note taking on what is written and words overwritten only to be removed and written over. Again and again until it fits. Until it is right.